So, I finally broke the ice with mom and had a long discussion about why I thought her boyfriend was a bad match with her. She listened, was open, and in the end expressed that she was having reservations about their relationship. She gave me a few examples of why she knew it wouldn't work. An example that included her speaking with one of my dad's friend on the cell phone- Allan- who is calm, tranquil, and gentle. She said that the difference between the two men was extreme. Allan was there, talking quietly, asking her about how her life was panning out and in the back ground is her new boyfriend- yelling into the phone, causing a scene.

She said right then and there she knew he would only bring drama and upheaval into her life.
So she called me last night at 11:30pm and she had broken up with him. She did it. Talk about immediate results. I guess her own reservations were stronger than I thought they were. It appears that none of mom's friends ever told her about their fears and so she just kept her reservations to herself. Another reason why communication is vital.

On a less than happy note, Bekah- my supposed to be future roommate calls me today and says- guess what? I just signed a lease. I'm like ummm what?
First, we're supposed to move into a 2 bedroom but it wasnt that pretty- this one I understand. Then we find a better two bedroom, but she's decided to move to a different school in december and there's no way I could afford that place on my own. So I finally decide to go find a one/one and if it has a study/loft that would be perfect b/c she could stay there. So I find one in west campus that's perfect. Now, 11 days before we're supposed to move in- "guess what! I signed a lease with someone else! yay!".
I swear- I dont know where I find these people. They like, hunt me down and screw me over. I'm just glad I noticed the pattern and picked a place that I could afford on my own- and now Darrell is going to live with me- so not only do I have a reliable person, but a great friend. Thank god for Darrell!
You know, I really miss the good old days though. I miss having Austin as a good friend, someone close to me, someone who spends ti

me with me. I miss having Austin as a friend. Its too bad you know-finding someone that you really like- someone you really feel you can be great friends with- but when you move out, the friendship just slowly unravels- which is hearbraking because of how close you had been.

I mean, when you have a friend that you spend every day with for a year- thats hard to loose. It's too bad really- because I know we're still friends, and we'll hang out, but it will never quite be the same. Too bad.