Since I had the time to write a post.
Started my new job. So far so good, except I dont get paid until Jan 1st, I have to pay into mandatory retirement and my first check will be pro-rated. Talk about bursting my bubble. But on a happier note- I made some new friends. They seem cool- again, unfortunately they are all couples. Everyone at work is either female or taken. Oh boy. I'm going to be single forever.
On a MUCH happier note, I've officially lost 25 pounds thanks to the meds I've been taking and my liver stuff is on its way to a better place. All good news, except that none of my clothes fit and I'm too poor to buy new ones.
I miss Austin more than I can say. Jon is now officially in Charleston, SC and calls every other day or so. I think he just misses being around people he knows- but it sure makes it hard because I know there's going to be a point when he's too busy to call and I'm getting spoiled with all of this calling. It sucks when a person you care for is so far away. I can't imagine being in his shoes- where EVERYONE you care for is so far away...
Since I last wrote on this wonderful blog, I've finished school, moved to dallas, gone to DC, Pensacola, FL, and Big Bend, started afore mentioned job, and completely lost my mind. oh wait...

Ok, I'm off to the gym- because I work out at a ridiculous time in the mornings now. yay! but its fun, I like it, and I can see the effects of it for once in my life. So- i'm sticking with it.
Soooo... consider yourselves updated.