2. I bought a new car- so not so much of a baller anymore. that didn't last long. 2007 Honda CR-V. LOVE IT. Her name is T-Rex, but I call her Rexie.
3. Still haven't heard from med school yet but- I've got about 2-3 more weeks before the final news hits. Match day is Feb 1st- so I could potentially still hear after that... I hate the waiting. I still have a really good feeling- I can literally see myself packing up and going to TTU. I know I'll be a great doctor. I know this is the right path- I can feel it in my bones :) I'm just excited to have started this journey!
4. My new years resolutions are awesome this year and I really feel like it's going to work out. I have three main ones...
i. Go Sailing and Learn to Sail- I consider those two inextricably linked.
ii. Get in Shape- I have a variety of things going with people- including the 100 day challenge for UTD staff (Lani is our team lead... activity #1 together= pole dancing lessons... so fun!) and running with Ruth- we're going to sign up for some 5Ks etc... can't wait :)
iii. Start the path to become the person I want to be. I've started looking into philanthropic organizations that I'd like to join along with potential volunteer opportunities or even commities or councils I could be on. I'd love to join the City Council, but I'm going to wait until I find out about med school- don't want to have to drop out on my first term :) Basically- i'm starting at the bottom, with daily/menial habits, and working my way to the top- with career goals, extracurricular activities, and the way I present myself to others- and revamping. Can't wait to see what the end goal of this year is.
If anyone knows of any Dallas-based Womens or Philanthropic organizations in the Dallas area... I'd love to at least hear/read about it :)
Oh and - does anyone know if pole dancing can make you look like this? You know- it could happen... ;)