So today was the first day of school. Not too bad. I'm taking 16 hours this semester and next so that I can attempt to graduate on time and I've been filling out Medical school applications for hours and my eyes hurt and somehow doing that made me sick. Dont ask me how, I dont know. I have to write an essay about why I want to go into medicine. That is the hardest decision I've ever had to make- to choose Med school over children's psych or teaching or anything else I've ever wanted to do. Soooo, now I have to put how I feel into words and to be honest, I'm not sure how I feel- typical me. But I do know that I would be great at this. This one job is meant for m

e. I mean, I could do anything and be happy... but this job... I'm meant for this job.

So anyways, two days before school started my friend Michelle and I went for a little kayaking adventure. It just happened that we chose the one day in the history of Texas summer's that it got windy, cold, and rainy to go- which wasn't that bad part. The bad/crazy part was that the wind was blowing so hard we were freaking fighting rapids on town lake. It was absolutely hillarious. But by God, wind in our faces and courage in our hearts, we paddled down to Red Bud Isle and

then turned back and spit in fear's face! Just kidding- we actually just floated lazily back to where we rented the kayaks, using the paddles to hook our two kayaks together while we dipped our cute little toes into the water and talked about school and the future. Michelle is a great girl and I'm glad I asked her to go. Anyways- since today's

classes were so incredibly boring, I will not ruin such a good post with them. Maybe tomorrow with be better- I have Human Sex and Family Violence on the same day :)
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