I have felt so drained lately. Something about the way people are in general and something about the way I let them get under my skin. Like Gabby's friends who suck, or my uncle who think's I'm ridiculous for NOT being racist/prejudice, or really rude people in general. It just sucks me dry and one day I look up and I feel like I'm heartbroken and I don't know why.
Other than that today was a pretty decent day. Last night, too. Sierra came over and I made a

vegetarian meal for us- and it was excellent. We spent about 2 more hours together before deciding we should definitely go get some ice cream- a treat Darrell was unable to resist coming with us to. Let me just say- I 100% recommend getting the banana pudding flavored ice cream at Amy's. It is SOOOOO RIDICULOUSLY GOOD. We had a really good night and Sierra did something that really surprised me... she paid me back her third of the deposit from that house we all lived in. I dont know why for sure, but I'm really happy she did. I wanted to say no- keep it, it's not important anymore... but the truth is it was important and she did owe it to me and it was very decent of her to do so. Just makes me like her even more. We took Rugger to Amy's too and I think he really enjoyed the banana pudding ice cream too. Darrell and I have discovered he also likes

grapes, lettuce, tomatoes, MY FREAKING CRACKERS, shredded carrots, and those chocolatey peanut butter things D makes all the time. He does not however like raw potatoes. He also dreams in his sleep- I think he might actually dream about fighting someone for room on the bed because somehow he always manages to push me to the very edge (and then I wake up the next morning on the VERY edge... and he moved to the ground- punk). AND- he has found a new favorite contact sport. It's called "step on Darrell's nuts" and Rugger loves it so much- he does it at least once a day. I think it's hillarious. D does not enjoy it all that much.
Found out today that danielle is in my human sex class. I still don't really know what to think of her. I don't feel the urge to ever be around or near her- but when I am I just cant be mean. I think I'm just not that type of person. Overt anger is beyond me I guess... I'll just have to settle for passive aggressivity.
I love the hippos! Muy cute. I'm really glad that Sierra gave you some money back, you deserve it. Now if only that B**** Danielle (Notice the Capital B) would drop off the face of the planet. Hah, well maybe not THAT but maybe step on something sharp, I dunno.
well, whatever you do, don't befriend her again. that's all you have to do to ensure your safety ;]
i love the hippos! and buck up little trooper! don't let anybody get you down!! ;]
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