Actually, we didn't play all that well either the first half. Thank goodness for random moments of greatness that ended up pumping us up and giving us that little something extra to help us beat OU!
It was amazing- a sea of orange- absolutely crazy. I have to say though, my favorite part of the whole thing was the carnival :) I love carnivals! We got to ride the flying swing things- you know where you all sit in swings facing the same direction and it lifts up and spins as if you were a ball on a string being swung

Going home was one of the single best times I've had this year. Everyone got to meet both Shane, Matt, and Katie & Brooke. I actually felt very comfortable at home and was able to share that positive side with everybody. Dad came up once in a conversation about why it's hard for me to go home... as if there would be any other reason that had more weight than that.
Matt and I got the chance to talk- to catch up on being the really good friends that we at one point were. It was nice to have him around, that's for sure.
Then there's shane. Shane was extremely tired- probably could have passed out at any point during dinner/driving/drinking... amazingly, he made it all the way to the end before passing out on the couch. I really don't know how he does it- they're both amazingly hard workers. They sure do know how to make you feel like a lazy bum :)
And then after shane passed out- christina came in and spoke with sierra and I... actually she just stood there for about 5 minutes until sierra and I pressed her to tell us what was wrong. I

Brooke is absolutely adorable. She still smiles if you tell her to show you her grill and she fell very quickly for dear Darrell. She couldn't stop staring at him! It was so funny :) That's my girl... just be good until your 30. that way i wont have to take a bitch out. I mean, I am The Godmother.
Anyways- the point is, overall the weekend went very well. Then I came back and had the single most UNPRODUCTIVE WEEK EVER.
Yep- it was that bad.
So now I'm bummed, stressed, and trying to work hard... I sure do study more than any of my friends. And I dont actually have a roommate anymore- but that's probably a good thing- more time to study.
Oh- and micro lab sucks. it's a ONE HOUR LAB who's teacher is deluded- she seems to think that its a 10 hour lab. Someone should really send her a memo... or shoot her. you know, whatever.
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