Thursday, December 06, 2007

It's been a while....

Since I had the time to write a post.

Started my new job. So far so good, except I dont get paid until Jan 1st, I have to pay into mandatory retirement and my first check will be pro-rated. Talk about bursting my bubble. But on a happier note- I made some new friends. They seem cool- again, unfortunately they are all couples. Everyone at work is either female or taken. Oh boy. I'm going to be single forever.

On a MUCH happier note, I've officially lost 25 pounds thanks to the meds I've been taking and my liver stuff is on its way to a better place. All good news, except that none of my clothes fit and I'm too poor to buy new ones.

I miss Austin more than I can say. Jon is now officially in Charleston, SC and calls every other day or so. I think he just misses being around people he knows- but it sure makes it hard because I know there's going to be a point when he's too busy to call and I'm getting spoiled with all of this calling. It sucks when a person you care for is so far away. I can't imagine being in his shoes- where EVERYONE you care for is so far away...

Since I last wrote on this wonderful blog, I've finished school, moved to dallas, gone to DC, Pensacola, FL, and Big Bend, started afore mentioned job, and completely lost my mind. oh wait...
Ok, I'm off to the gym- because I work out at a ridiculous time in the mornings now. yay! but its fun, I like it, and I can see the effects of it for once in my life. So- i'm sticking with it.

Soooo... consider yourselves updated.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Wide Open Spaces

So there are hundreds of things that I love about Austin. Here's a selection:

Happy Hour at Trudy's by Campus...
Ohh... real smiles are always the best :)
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Charlie's a good friend- yay for there being at least one other single person in the group.
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my oldest buddy, liz
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(dont hate me for the close up :))

Tim and Liz. He's just so comfortable when he's around her...
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Mount Bonnell. Hands Down one of my favorite things here in Austin. Somehow I learned about this place freshman year and started going when I needed to let go. I utilize the dog park more now, but it still holds that magical feeling for me...
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This week has gone by so fast, just like the last. It seems like my time here is just rushing by me and I can't do anything about it. But this is a subject I have thoroughly exhausted.

Here's another topic- one that has recently come up from multiple people. I dont know how I do it, but somehow I attract people to me who- by one design or another- completely forfeit contact with me for an extended period of time, then randomly call me out of the blue.
Example #1: Strongarms John. In fact, if we hadn't accidentally had a class together I dont think we'd still be friends.
Example #2: Cindy. For someone who claimed I was the only person who ever got her, she sure doesnt answer the phone when I call- or call back. Just randomly today she text messages me and asks when I'm moving back to Dallas, she needs a roommate. I'm like- WHA? are you kidding me?

There are more- I just can't think of it right now- but here's my question: what is it about the people I attract to me/me that makes that ok? I mean- reliability is a key characteristic that I cherish in friendships, and yet- I dont seem to get it from my... lets call them satellite friends= not my closest friends, but those that are at one time or another good friends. I guess my real question is - why am I... expendable?... to these people? Why is it that someone can walk away from me and not look back for a good 6 months to a year when suddenly they're overwhelmed with the need to talk to me, their bestest best buddy. (people that do not know me well are excluded from this group- i mean, we are in college and I do not expect people I just met to force correspondence when they do not know me)

Anyways- I need to go to bed. I hope everyone is well!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Oh yeah....

Pictures from tonight :) Harry Potter #5

Waiting in line... thanks for getting there in time Dez :)
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You're a weirdo.
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I punch you. In ze face.
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Gang's all here!!
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Cedric Diggory in the hizzouse!
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Charlie and I
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Not My Ugly Side...

I didn't know I was going to feel like this. I knew that I loved this city- I guess I just never knew that I thrive off of it. The closer it comes time to moving back to Dallas, the more I feel like I'm leaving my home- a place I adore. a place where I have habits and favorites and memories that mean so much to me. I feel like I'm facing that moment in life where you know things are going to drastically change but you dont know if it's for better or worse. I feel like... I'm losing something. And yet, I know- realistically- it wouldn't be quite the same. Lots of my friends are graduating and leaving- but lots are staying, too.

Going to Harry Potter tonight was great. So was dinner with Darrell at Chili's. So was Bull Creek with Sara. So was Clementine with Brent. The summers that Laura, Jon, and I spent swimming at Red Bud. The best job I've ever had. The place where I really found out who I am. The farmer's market. UT. Driving around freshman year and finding deer running wild in the hills. Having Gabby come over and make me cook for her. Discovering my love of 80's music. The artsy feel. The liberal feel. The idealistic feel- the feel that people here still believe they can make a difference. When I look back at everything I've felt love towards in the past 4 years- 95% of it is all here. Just typing about it right now makes me feel like I'm going to cry.
I know there are good things about Dallas. I mean, there have to be- right? Just because the last year I spent (before college) there was the worst year of my life- doesn't mean its going to be horrible.

I can find good things. Somebody help me out- name good things about Dallas. Things I'll like. Anything. Really.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

no matter the sex, I'm gonna name her rock and roll...

So I have a few plans in the works. I'll make a list that way I can keep them straight in my head.

1. When I finally get moved back to Dallas, I'm going to try and get a job with Nancy's dad at Quest Diagnostics- that way I'll have a lab position and I won't have to pay for EMT classes. But EMT classes are my back up with some menial job doing something I don't like but have to do for money.

2. I found someone in Dallas who gives Italian lessons... and I want to take them. She eve said that since I wanted to go to med school, she'd add a section on medical terminology. I think that's perfect. I also want to re-learn my Spanish.

3. Next year, maybe in May- assuming Jon and Laura do move to Boston this year- I will be going to Boston, MA to visit them. I've never been to Boston- or anywhere on the East Coast except for DC- so I'll hopefully get to experience Boston and the surrounding area. I'll enjoy that.

4. In two years- sometime in 2009 before I go to medical school, I want to go to Europe and Egypt. My mom wants to go as well and has agreed to help fund- and Nancy wants to guide us around Egypt. We have friends and family in Germany and there are so many places I would love to go. Mom can show me Italy, I'll show her northern Germany and together we will explore places like Barcelona, Paris (I can always go again :)), Prague, London, Cairo, Athens, etc.

That's all I can remember at the moment so... I'll let it be as is. Honestly, having goals like these actually helps me save money. It might also be that I'm starting to feel like a grown up, but I prefer to think that it's only because every time I go to spend money, I think of going to Europe and I change my mind. Let's hope that sticks with me for a while- I have student loans to pay back after all.

Friday, July 06, 2007

who needs shelter from the sun...

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Today was one of the most beautiful days I've had in a while... actually, today was possibly better than any other day I've had this summer.
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Sara and I went to Bull Creek dog park-
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and it was the most beautiful thing. Since Red Bud is still completely underwater, I haven't been out in nature like I usually do in the summer. In fact, I honestly think that has a lot to do with why I've been so incredibly restless. Lately, I just couldn't get a grip on myself. I just wanted to pack up and leave- and not just go back to Dallas but actually leave- go to a city I've never been, spend time somewhere new, meet new people, try new things... luckily I feel a little better after today- it's funny how the little things can calm your soul.
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So- back to today- we went to the dog park. I honestly thought we would just stay for a little while, let the dogs play. No. We were there for HOURS and we went swimming- even though I didnt bring a bathing suit :) I went in fully clothed and it was wonderful. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
My favorite part was when we went down to where the rapids were. I wedged myself by a rock and just let the water pour over me. It was like being touched all over. Here's my theory: I've been single forever and because of this- I'm actually not touched as much as some. I know this sounds weird- but I know people need to be touched- not sensually or erotically- just simply touched. The water today- rushing over me- I swear I started to feel better just sitting there. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Of course, I do love the water so that might have had something to do with it, too. It was just such a great experience today. The dogs had a blast and Sara and I had a great time- splashing and playing. It was fun. oh- but i got a horrible sunburn. damn white skin.

Then, to add to my wonderful day, Darrell and I went out to eat at Chili's and I don't think I've laughed that much at a meal in a long time. The waiter was great and I really got to enjoy Darrell's company. Now, the laughing might have had something to do with the fact that I had a rather large margarita- but I really was just in a great mood and I had a great time. I'm gonna miss this.

Leaving this city breaks my heart. I love it here. I love the farmers market, my friends, the amazing parks, the liberal feel, the fact that people are so health conscious and politically active... I mean- it's just amazing here. I honestly think I will cry the day I have to leave this place. Hopefully I'll find my groove in Dallas again. I'm honestly just afraid that I'll regress and turn back into someone that I left in Dallas years ago. ugh.
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Saturday, June 30, 2007


I bought a new camera- here are some of my favorite pics
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Another thing- i have a friend who is spending the summer guiding river rafting tours. He has all of these pics up where they're climbing mountains, camping, river rafting- and I realized... everyone else is living in my dreamland while I'm stuck- awake and miserable- in reality. I KNEW I should have talked myself into accepting drug use. Damn my good morals.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Picture update!!

Its been a long time. Basically, I've graduated. I was working two jobs- now I'm back to one. I managed to catch a bacterial food contaminant (no pics of that- thank god). Brooke is getting her trach out. I'm moving back to Dallas mid-August. I had all these plans- step by step what i would do after I graduate- and now I'm having a hard time deciding whether or not I should/would/can do them. I'm restless and ready to try out a new city- but John and Laura are moving to Boston in August so at least I know I'll have the opportunity :) Oh- and John (laura's John) got struck by lightning in Galveston. Jon S. went off to officer training camp with the Navy and I'm not going to be living in his city when he gets back. Sierra is still in Europe roaming around- taking my dream trip. But mom said we could start saving now so that in a year or two we can go to europe and spend a few months there. wow. happy graduation to me :)
Lots of stuff has happened. It's a crazy world.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

More Pictures of SF

Muir Woods- Laura and I!
On the day before we left, San Francisco was so foggy- but as soon as we crossed the bridgeall the fog went away... :)
Muir Woods
The beautiful hills of sonoma valley (this is also one of the last photos because this is the winery I left my camera in!)
The Japan-town Peace Pagoda.
Laura and I right after walking down Lombard St. We had to walk all the way up from columbus st- picture a 31 degree incline for about 8 blocks so that we could walk down one. Good thing Lombard st. is pretty.
Palace of Fine Arts- we went back on the day we were supposed to fly home- and we had a great little picnic. It was beautiful!
On the Powell st- Hyde st cable car! I think we rode this car 4-5 times... :)
Laura and I hugging a Redwood tree in the middle of Muir Woods
I got my camera back from the winery that I left it at in Sonoma valley :)

Monday, March 19, 2007


I rode a bike over the golden gate bridge :)
I love this pic.

back too late, yet oh so soon.

So the trip to San Fran was extended due to a lack of available flights- so I just got back about an hour ago- instead of friday. Overall, I think it was worth it. Unfortunately, I think I'm officially out of money. If anyone wants to pay me to clean their house, etc- just let me know. I'll take whatever I can get.

Back to the trip- here are some pictures... we saw basically everything and I'm in love with SF.
Public transit is my new favorite thing. I mean, if other cities had something like this, it would be amazing.
I left my heart in SF- on union square! Our hostel was about three blocks from here...
This is Laura and I while riding through the Golden Gate Park- we had just walked out of the botanical gardens and I snapped this picture.
The Golden Gate Park ends at the beach- this boulder/sign marks the beach entrance!
You can see Seal Rock in the back ground... absolutely beautiful!

Ok- more later.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

San Francisco.

So Laura and I have deided that we're going to sanfran for spring break. I went and bought a travel book at half price bookstore (which is actually another story in itself) and I am so excited about going. We've reserved two places at a hostel that has been ranked one of the top ten in the world and its actually 2 blocks away from Union Square, 4 from chinatown. The buses and cable car's stop at the end of our block and to top it all off, it's cheap. Now, it's not Kenny-cheap, but it will definitely do.
We've already had a million ideas of what we're going to do while we're there. Oddly enough, the first thing out of both of our mouth's were places to eat.... the Ferry building during the farmers market! China town! Fisherman's Warf for seafood!
now, the list goes on from there and moves up to places we want to see, walk, etc. Everything from Golden Gate Park to Ocean's Beach, Palace of Fine Arts- etc. It's going to be a great time and I can't wait. Anyways, if anyone is in the area for some odd reason... come see us- because we'll be there from Mon-Friday :) ohhh yeah.
PS- bring a jacket because it will be cold.