Today was one of the most beautiful days I've had in a while... actually, today was possibly better than any other day I've had this summer.

Sara and I went to Bull Creek dog park-

and it was the most beautiful thing. Since Red Bud is still completely underwater, I haven't been out in nature like I usually do in the summer. In fact, I honestly think that has a lot to do with why I've been so incredibly restless. Lately, I just couldn't get a grip on myself. I just wanted to pack up and leave- and not just go back to Dallas but actually leave- go to a city I've never been, spend time somewhere new, meet new people, try new things... luckily I feel a little better after today- it's funny how the little things can calm your soul.

So- back to today- we went to the dog park. I honestly thought we would just stay for a little while, let the dogs play. No. We were there for HOURS and we went swimming- even though I didnt bring a bathing suit :) I went in fully clothed and it was wonderful.

My favorite part was when we went down to where the rapids were. I wedged myself by a rock and just let the water pour over me. It was like being touched all over. Here's my theory: I've been single forever and because of this- I'm actually not touched as much as some. I know this sounds weird- but I know people need to be touched- not sensually or erotically- just simply touched. The water today- rushing over me- I swear I started to feel better just sitting there.

Of course, I do love the water so that might have had something to do with it, too. It was just such a great experience today. The dogs had a blast and Sara and I had a great time- splashing and playing. It was fun. oh- but i got a horrible sunburn. damn white skin.
Then, to add to my wonderful day, Darrell and I went out to eat at Chili's and I don't think I've laughed that much at a meal in a long time. The waiter was great and I really got to enjoy Darrell's company. Now, the laughing might have had something to do with the fact that I had a rather large margarita- but I really was just in a great mood and I had a great time. I'm gonna miss this.
Leaving this city breaks my heart. I love it here. I love the farmers market, my friends, the amazing parks, the liberal feel, the fact that people are so health conscious and politically active... I mean- it's just amazing here. I honestly think I will cry the day I have to leave this place. Hopefully I'll find my groove in Dallas again. I'm honestly just afraid that I'll regress and turn back into someone that I left in Dallas years ago. ugh.

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