so... mom and I went to the scuba shop where I was first certified today. I dont know what it is- but just being in a scuba shop gives me a sort of high. I've decided that after I get my confirmation of my openwater dive class- I'm going to get my Advanced then go on to Emergency Rescue and then maybe to search and recovery... I dont know about the last one- but I definitely want to do the first two. And to top it all off, if i get to ER (hahah) then I can become certified as an assistant instructor then Instructor! I can be an instructor just like dad :) I think he would probably really enjoy that.
The point was- it was weird just to walk out of that shop, not even having bought or signed up for anything, and just have this sense of... Yes. this is what I want to do. I have to admit, I dont get that very often so when it does occur it really catches me off guard.
I went and saw Children of Men... yesterday?... anyways, I loved it. My mom and Jerry B. said it was incredibly depressing- but I really liked it. Something about how realistic it was- how
possible it was. so- I recommend it- but only if you aren't suicidal :)
Oddly, the movie reminded me of a conversation that liz and I (and maybe a few others) had almost 3+ years ago about the origin and nature of man. I think we were discussing Thomas Hobbes view of men's nature- the brute, selfishness that leads every man... or something to that accord- and when I saw this movie- that's all i could think of. And I think I've changed my opinion. Before, I argued that men weren't inherently bad or animalistic. That we do in fact have an internal sense of right and wrong. But I want to change that- I think some people do. and others don't. I'm not going to say nuture vs. nature or give any other type of reason. I think human beings are both good and bad. There are some who can't live with injustice, who search out and fight it for the sake of preserving the others- inherent altruism if you will- and others who... either do or don't see it, and degrade society as a whole.
Do you think there could ever be an answer to such a question? It's funny that now, after having studied people in general longer, after having read more newspapers and learned more... more than I've ever previously known- (an obvious fact of life seems like such a revelation to me at this moment)- I've reverted to a more negative and probably more accurate opinion of mankind.
So... Liz, I dont remember your original argument- but we should talk about this again now that my beliefs have evolved.