She loves to get into things that aren't hers... like my shoes. She walked around in these things for almost an hour and - just in case you cant read the jumper she's wearing- she's being raised a mav's fan :) Yay Dallas!

I was also able to finally see miss Ruth O- and she has gotten so beautiful. Her and faith both have just... blossomed! I mean, ruth has always been beautiful but now she just glows. Oh, yay for the early years when getting older is a good thing.

Another thing that happened since I got back was Austin's bday- as you can see I got him good with his own cake... however he then chased me down and hugged me with his face. We then had an all out war and ended up with war paint- but it was fun and I was glad just to finally see him. I hate that people can care for someone so much even when they shouldnt. Seems like the story of my life.
Anyways- just wanted to share some photos! I'll put some in of the snow day tomorrow :) this is the best first day of school ever. especially since we didnt have to go- and I dont have class on Wednesdays :)I could have stayed home another week!
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