Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I had two very strange coincidences today. The kind of thing you can't ignore- because they so rarely happen and I had two on one day. Pay Attention Me.

1. I had a crazy dream last night. In it was a person that I met a while back but who I haven't seen since. We're talking at least a month has passed. So last night I have this crazy dream about her. I wont go further with that, but it was definitely her. And this morning who do I run into?? Smack into. And of course there's me all strange about it... "I had a dream about you last night..." (never say this to someone). Luckily she took it well and didn't ask me too much about it. But come on. What are the odds.

2. My mom asked me this morning if I wanted to do some personal training again. I told her I enjoyed it but I didn't want something that expensive from her- yada yada, no. Got to work... within 2 hours guess who called me. My old personal trainer. Asks how I'm doing. (this is after the dream-girl situation). So basically I'm kinda just staring at my phone, bewildered, thinking... "whoa.".

So I'm taking it as a sign and I'm going to go do more personal training. As for the girl, maybe she'll get the job and we'll become great friends. At least this way no one can ever tell me that I don't listen to the universe... or whoever.

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