I've never wanted to hurt someone so badly. No child should have to under go that.
the worst part- that's not even it. While she was supposed to be sedated and resting, they weren't making sure that she didn't wake up- so she'd wake up and start to freak out because she's ventilated, has 4 different IVs, and is restrained to the bed. We actually had one nurse tell us "well, she's not really that agitated. it's ok if she wakes up". NO. No its not. her windpipe is trying to heal and you want someone with an additional tube down there to be able to wake up and start crying and trying to talk while ventilated?? no.
No to mention the IV that blew and caused internal chemical burns in her arm.
I dont know how Katie handles all of this.
Anyways- the whole point is- please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She's doing much better- after they extubated her she started being able to cough up the pneumonia. Now she's just really, incredibly weak. When she reaches for her new Sleeping Beauty toy, her hands shake so bad that she ends up knocking them over. It kills me.
Other than that- Mom finally started calling people to do the things around the house that I've been begging her to do. The city is going to come out and look at that pipe that's erroding our land away and hopefully they'll fix it. she's going to call and get a few good names for home levelers and a structural engineer. Maybe even an AC guy but she's not sure that she want's to take the last HVAC guy's advice (even though our bill is outrageous). ugh.
Oh, and i start my MCAT class next month and Gina is moving to Amarillo.
Oddly enough, I dont feel that stressed. Hmm. Maybe it will hit me later? We'll see.
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