Tuesday, August 18, 2009


So I'm watching this show- called Superhuman on the Science channel- and there's this artist... a 13 year old girl who started sketching amazing things at 5 years old- and swears that God found her and told her to start drawing- that they plan her pieces together. She has a close and personal relationship with God. So abnormal in a world where people are either completely convinced that there is no God or 100% convinced that only their God is accurate. Anyways- check it out- artakiane.com- she's damn good if you ask me.

Anyways- that was kind of an off subject- but I read this poem today and I don't want to forget this line:

There is no adventure in hesitation.

I've been asking myself why I'm holding back for quite some time... I dont go out, I avoid meeting new people- I dont know if the idea of it scares me or if maybe I'm just too damn lazy. I have all of these ideas about things I want in my life- and it's not like I'm really that busy. I have plenty of time. And yet I still haven't gone to find out about that martial arts place down the street or gone to the recreation center to find out about art classes- haven't even rearranged my room this year- which I usually do almost every other month...

I'm stagnant.

Not the most attractive way to describe yourself. Gotta start working on that.

Anyways- here's a little something to think about. Yay Texas.

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