Thus has been my life.
Test day: wow. 9 am the written part of the test starts... we have a good group of people in our class. there was no one stressing so badly they were mean. people were outside the test laughing and talking- just giving each other a hard time and really just laughing and destressing before the start of the test. The test itself was a bunch of questions that have a little story of a patient- and you have to figure out what's wrong with it. It's just so amazing to finally be learning about the things that are RELEVANT to what I want! They gave us the answers immediately - and I only missed a few- leaving me in the high 80's. BUT they average that test with the one that follows it... the Lab Practical! We go down to the lab- where all the bodies are- and the teachers have tagged things, have arrows pointed at CT scans, Xrays, different muscles etc... and we get one minute at each station. one minute to figure out what the answer is! I'm not sure how I did on that one yet :) Get grades back in a week. ay ay ay.
I have really enjoyed getting to know people more and more. For this first course- Anatomy- we're each assigned to a tank. One tank represents one body that five people work on. So I've been on a team of 5 people for 4 weeks - and they're such great people. I first grew close to Anthony- we had a special project to do together and we bonded immediately. Such a nice person, down to earth guy, and my favorite characteristic- he's in it to win it- here to be a doctors. Lauren - another tank mate - has been an amazing friend to me in the first few weeks- we've had a little trouble studying together- because we LOVE to talk to each other, which is an awful thing the week before the test :) and yet a great thing too.

Last by not least, Raheel. He's the youngest of our group and it shows. I think he's still trying to find himself a little. He's a good guy though- just needs a little more time and he'll come into his own.

Basically, I'm loving it. late night study sessions, learning REAL stuff, meeting new people... I'm loving it all.
Now, I'm going to go vacuum. :) :)
Sounds like you're fitting in really well :)
So glad to hear you're happy, albeit busy! Now, go put down that vacuum and have yourself a cold one! - Anne
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