Monday, December 21, 2020

I have almost constant anxiety about mom getting sick with COVID. Texas numbers are high. The community is not exactly being safe (ha). The politicians there have treated it differently than our new home state of Washington and watching the difference has been... very difficult. 

Biden was elected. Trump is still fighting it. There are supposedly thousands of people who are going to refuse the inauguration. It feels like a fracturing of democracy, which is the worst part of this presidency. In the context of this worst year for America in many. 

It's hard to find things to be positive about in the world, but at home I'm surrounded by it. Lila and I are happy, we have pets and plants and maybe in January will be starting the adoption process. We're ready for a baby and that's both exciting and terrifying. I get my COVID vaccine tomorrow. We're both working from home more and on those days we see each other so much more and it's wonderful. I cannot help but be thankful. 

But I miss my mother, my cousins, my family. I miss Lila's family. It's so far away and that has been the biggest revelation for me of this pandemic. Maybe too far. We shall see. 

I know this isn't the most poetic or exciting update of updates. But life is just moving along. Being in healthcare right now means your working your ass off. There's not always time to stop and reflect so when you do it has to be purposeful. When I do, I am trying to be purposefully grateful. Intentionally mindful. Wish me luck. 

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