Happy Hour at Trudy's by Campus...
Ohh... real smiles are always the best :)

Charlie's a good friend- yay for there being at least one other single person in the group.

my oldest buddy, liz

(dont hate me for the close up :))
Tim and Liz. He's just so comfortable when he's around her...

Mount Bonnell. Hands Down one of my favorite things here in Austin. Somehow I learned about this place freshman year and started going when I needed to let go. I utilize the dog park more now, but it still holds that magical feeling for me...

This week has gone by so fast, just like the last. It seems like my time here is just rushing by me and I can't do anything about it. But this is a subject I have thoroughly exhausted.
Here's another topic- one that has recently come up from multiple people. I dont know how I do it, but somehow I attract people to me who- by one design or another- completely forfeit contact with me for an extended period of time, then randomly call me out of the blue.
Example #1: Strongarms John. In fact, if we hadn't accidentally had a class together I dont think we'd still be friends.
Example #2: Cindy. For someone who claimed I was the only person who ever got her, she sure doesnt answer the phone when I call- or call back. Just randomly today she text messages me and asks when I'm moving back to Dallas, she needs a roommate. I'm like- WHA? are you kidding me?
There are more- I just can't think of it right now- but here's my question: what is it about the people I attract to me/me that makes that ok? I mean- reliability is a key characteristic that I cherish in friendships, and yet- I dont seem to get it from my... lets call them satellite friends= not my closest friends, but those that are at one time or another good friends. I guess my real question is - why am I... expendable?... to these people? Why is it that someone can walk away from me and not look back for a good 6 months to a year when suddenly they're overwhelmed with the need to talk to me, their bestest best buddy. (people that do not know me well are excluded from this group- i mean, we are in college and I do not expect people I just met to force correspondence when they do not know me)
Anyways- I need to go to bed. I hope everyone is well!
1 comment:
I love all of the pics! Although, I do wish I didn't have to tickle Darrell for him to give a real smile. Yeesh. I have to do that to my 12 year old brother too! Don't worry about missing Austin, its always here for you to come back to. It might change a little but I'm sure it will stay just as welcoming. Plus Lizzy and I have a couch you can crash on!
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