So here's the deal- My birthday was great, amazing actually and I had a wonderful time. I truly have the best friends and I love you all dearly!
My family set the turkey on fire. Biggest grease fire I've ever seen. The flames reached the CEILING. Thank God that wall is solid brick.
So the fire dept came to the house- happy thanksgiving- and they brought this thermal imaging thing- so as soon as we all knew we were safe, we all got to play with their heat gun! After a Ham dinner, we lost my grandmother for a good 20 minutes (she was outside raking the leaves) and spent the day riding one of the younger cousins scooters down the driveway, jumping the curb, and tumbling in to the grass- trying not to roll straight into the lake. Overall it was one of the best Thanksgivings we've had. Honestly, it was probably just because my cousing Wendy wasn't there.
So after all the family left, Friday night was Dallas friends night. Everyone who was in the area- Liz, Paul, Dez, and Daniel all went to dinner at Campizi's? and then to lower greenville for some good ol' fashioned drinking.
The next day, I went out to eat with Ruth- who is still adorable and then to a Dallas Mavericks game- which I've actually never been to... truthfully I've never seen a live basketball game so- it was fun. Nancy and Jon came with me- quite an enjoyable night...
I got to see my beautiful god-daughter who has managed to grown another 2 inches since I last saw her and who now recognizes me immediately- which I find quite nice.
This past weekend was also quite fun- I went to a sex toys party- I bought body spray and -yes- that is really all I bought. It was so much fun- there was a fountain of chocolate. LITERALLY. The next night I went to a party at a friends friends- you know, the usually really boring, can we leave now type of parties- but I had fun. Dez is trying to get me to not push guys away. She was giving me cues all night. I'm like- really... do you think this guys worth it? It's hillarious to me how practical I am in some situations.
So I'm putting in a ton of picture to catch everybody up. THey're all at the end, and out of order, but you should be able to figure out some of them... like the fire truck pic... Love you all.