Tuesday, January 16, 2007

new pics...

So while I was back in mesquite, I was able to spend some quality time with Brooke and Katie. Brooke is turning into a beautiful little girl and Katie is a good mom. My favorite part about Brooke getting older is that (not only is she cuter now but...) she's talking up a storm!

She loves to get into things that aren't hers... like my shoes. She walked around in these things for almost an hour and - just in case you cant read the jumper she's wearing- she's being raised a mav's fan :) Yay Dallas!

I was also able to finally see miss Ruth O- and she has gotten so beautiful. Her and faith both have just... blossomed! I mean, ruth has always been beautiful but now she just glows. Oh, yay for the early years when getting older is a good thing.
Brooke is also starting to let me into her life more. She runs up and hugs me when I come in and she always knows I have something for her. She even says my name! actually she says Shell- but that's good enough for me. It's funny how people react to children- even ones that aren't their own.

Another thing that happened since I got back was Austin's bday- as you can see I got him good with his own cake... however he then chased me down and hugged me with his face. We then had an all out war and ended up with war paint- but it was fun and I was glad just to finally see him. I hate that people can care for someone so much even when they shouldnt. Seems like the story of my life.

Anyways- just wanted to share some photos! I'll put some in of the snow day tomorrow :) this is the best first day of school ever. especially since we didnt have to go- and I dont have class on Wednesdays :)I could have stayed home another week!

Monday, January 08, 2007


so... mom and I went to the scuba shop where I was first certified today. I dont know what it is- but just being in a scuba shop gives me a sort of high. I've decided that after I get my confirmation of my openwater dive class- I'm going to get my Advanced then go on to Emergency Rescue and then maybe to search and recovery... I dont know about the last one- but I definitely want to do the first two. And to top it all off, if i get to ER (hahah) then I can become certified as an assistant instructor then Instructor! I can be an instructor just like dad :) I think he would probably really enjoy that.
The point was- it was weird just to walk out of that shop, not even having bought or signed up for anything, and just have this sense of... Yes. this is what I want to do. I have to admit, I dont get that very often so when it does occur it really catches me off guard.

I went and saw Children of Men... yesterday?... anyways, I loved it. My mom and Jerry B. said it was incredibly depressing- but I really liked it. Something about how realistic it was- how possible it was. so- I recommend it- but only if you aren't suicidal :)
Oddly, the movie reminded me of a conversation that liz and I (and maybe a few others) had almost 3+ years ago about the origin and nature of man. I think we were discussing Thomas Hobbes view of men's nature- the brute, selfishness that leads every man... or something to that accord- and when I saw this movie- that's all i could think of. And I think I've changed my opinion. Before, I argued that men weren't inherently bad or animalistic. That we do in fact have an internal sense of right and wrong. But I want to change that- I think some people do. and others don't. I'm not going to say nuture vs. nature or give any other type of reason. I think human beings are both good and bad. There are some who can't live with injustice, who search out and fight it for the sake of preserving the others- inherent altruism if you will- and others who... either do or don't see it, and degrade society as a whole.
Do you think there could ever be an answer to such a question? It's funny that now, after having studied people in general longer, after having read more newspapers and learned more... more than I've ever previously known- (an obvious fact of life seems like such a revelation to me at this moment)- I've reverted to a more negative and probably more accurate opinion of mankind.
So... Liz, I dont remember your original argument- but we should talk about this again now that my beliefs have evolved.

Friday, January 05, 2007

This year I will...

So i'm working on some New Year's Resolutions.
There's the ones you do every year....
-Be more organized
-Study throughout the semester and not the days before the test
-Go to class everyday
-Lose some weight

Then there's the ones that are more specific to this year.
-Plan and rebuild mom's deck
-get the group together to do something ridiculously fun this year for our goodbye trip
-make someone specific that scrapbook i wanted to
-print out some of my pics and continue with my album making
-take rugger running
-rip this house apart and put it back together in a more efficient, less country-style, home

ok, I know there are more- but I don't want to type any more :)