Sunday, July 23, 2006


So. I'm having trouble pinning down my future. Medical school now? Medical school later and EMT service now? Social service? Psychology? What is it that I realllly want to do? I just dont know anymore.
I feel like- I can do anything. But I cant. If i'm not willing to work for it- then I can't do it. It's just another excuse I feel like. Another chance for me to procrastinate.

I just dont know what I'm doing.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


So, I finally broke the ice with mom and had a long discussion about why I thought her boyfriend was a bad match with her. She listened, was open, and in the end expressed that she was having reservations about their relationship. She gave me a few examples of why she knew it wouldn't work. An example that included her speaking with one of my dad's friend on the cell phone- Allan- who is calm, tranquil, and gentle. She said that the difference between the two men was extreme. Allan was there, talking quietly, asking her about how her life was panning out and in the back ground is her new boyfriend- yelling into the phone, causing a scene. She said right then and there she knew he would only bring drama and upheaval into her life.
So she called me last night at 11:30pm and she had broken up with him. She did it. Talk about immediate results. I guess her own reservations were stronger than I thought they were. It appears that none of mom's friends ever told her about their fears and so she just kept her reservations to herself. Another reason why communication is vital.

On a less than happy note, Bekah- my supposed to be future roommate calls me today and says- guess what? I just signed a lease. I'm like ummm what?
First, we're supposed to move into a 2 bedroom but it wasnt that pretty- this one I understand. Then we find a better two bedroom, but she's decided to move to a different school in december and there's no way I could afford that place on my own. So I finally decide to go find a one/one and if it has a study/loft that would be perfect b/c she could stay there. So I find one in west campus that's perfect. Now, 11 days before we're supposed to move in- "guess what! I signed a lease with someone else! yay!".
I swear- I dont know where I find these people. They like, hunt me down and screw me over. I'm just glad I noticed the pattern and picked a place that I could afford on my own- and now Darrell is going to live with me- so not only do I have a reliable person, but a great friend. Thank god for Darrell!

You know, I really miss the good old days though. I miss having Austin as a good friend, someone close to me, someone who spends time with me. I miss having Austin as a friend. Its too bad you know-finding someone that you really like- someone you really feel you can be great friends with- but when you move out, the friendship just slowly unravels- which is hearbraking because of how close you had been. I mean, when you have a friend that you spend every day with for a year- thats hard to loose. It's too bad really- because I know we're still friends, and we'll hang out, but it will never quite be the same. Too bad.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Back already

So four days is not enough time in a foreign country... especially one you love.
Cancun was wonderful- except for mom's new boyfriend of course- and while I'd love to vent all about how obnoxious, domineering, idiotic, and low class he is- I believe the stories I now have in my possession about this particular person are too long to detail here. Let's just say- my mom is not thinking straight.
So- Cancun was great. Mom and I went diving at Eden's Rock and some unnamed drift dive- 50 feet was our max depth, perfect visibility, and the fish are still beautiful. Unfortunately the coral is damaged from last hurricane season and the aftermath is clearly visible. There are yards and yards of broken coral littering the floor of the ocean. We're just lucky there's anything left. I hear Cozumel didn't make out so well though- which is sad since it was my first open water dive- Santa Rosa reef when I was 12! Get out your calculators ladies and gents, I've been a diver for 9 years now. Holy crap. The only other comparable experience I've had is Liz's friendship (and Ken- 13 years) and Shane's friendship (7 years). Its crazy to think I've been doing anything for more than a decade. Time is flying and I truly can't believe we are not so much "young" as we are "adults" now. Please god, keep me from getting old at heart.
So anyways- other than diving, I played an awesome half day volleyball game with some crazy people at the hotel I stayed at, walked through Playa del Carmen for another day, Cancun another... Unfortunately my ultimate goal, to go to Tulum and see the ruins, was never accomplished due to my short stay and a few deterrents in our itinerary. I'm truly upset about that- but maybe next time. In Playa we went to Carlos and Charlies and Sr. Frogs (not really my type of place... but interesting I guess) and I watched 3 old ladies get drunk and dance with 18 yr olds... they almost got onto the bar- but some part of their teacher brains snapped back into place- thank god. I don't think I could have handled much more of drunken elementary school teachers gone wild. Flight there and back was great- met some awesome people- from San Fran, from Wisconsin, someone who got married in Playa del Carmen... good people. It's nice to see that there are actually some honest people still out there. Lots of young married couples. Am I really entering the part of life where everyone around you starts getting married and having kids? I mean, being single is great, as is being in a good relationship, but jeez- getting married? I'm going to end up being an old hag, sitting on my front porch with a shot gun, yelling at little kids to get off my grass as I stand up and cock the barrel.
Tonight was great- I went out with Jon and Laura to Doc's on South Congress- great place, great beer, good prices... it was nice. Then home to watch Eurotrip- they swear its the best movie ever... I thought it was ok... but not as good as super troopers or the sweetest thing. You just cant beat them.
Alrighty- time to get back to real life. If I dont start working on my MCAT stuff- I'm not going to improve my score. Oh my.

Friday, July 07, 2006

cancun baby.

So i leave for cancun tomorrow morning, 9:30 am. Its going to be fun- I'm planning on taking a side trip down to Tulum to go see the mayan ruins that lie so close to the edge of the ocean, up a thousand steps. I honestly can't wait.

So my compressor quit working and now I have no A/C- and Texas heat sucks with no A/C. I've been handling it well- but then again, it's still partly cloudy and cooler than normal. God help me when it gets into the hundreds.

If anybody wants a postcard- you better tell me now. I leave in the morning.

I've posted a few pics of July 4th also... notice how we're NOT watching the fireworks :(

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

let down...

So the fourth of July...
everyone was happy to just stay in. I mean, it was raining. It was nasty outside. And it probably wouldn't have been worth it to most of the group... but there's something about fireworks.
My soul is so restless right now- I know, that sounds retarded- I sound like I'm crazy- but seriously... I'm restless on a very deep level. And fireworks always seem to... whisk you away and take you to this wonderful place where all sounds have been drownd out by an amazingly loud but beautiful sound. The colors and the explosions and the smell of smoke... like I said, there's just something about fireworks. I really... I really wish I could have seen some fireworks tonight.
I had a blast though with everyone. I really love my friends. There must be something wrong with me.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Pics of my fun time...

So on Wednesday I went with Jason, Jonathan, and Laura out to the lake with that dog that I love so much and then out to eat... then out to Lauren's 21st bday...

Happy July 4th all... I'll have more pics later...