Wednesday, August 30, 2006


So today was the first day of school. Not too bad. I'm taking 16 hours this semester and next so that I can attempt to graduate on time and I've been filling out Medical school applications for hours and my eyes hurt and somehow doing that made me sick. Dont ask me how, I dont know. I have to write an essay about why I want to go into medicine. That is the hardest decision I've ever had to make- to choose Med school over children's psych or teaching or anything else I've ever wanted to do. Soooo, now I have to put how I feel into words and to be honest, I'm not sure how I feel- typical me. But I do know that I would be great at this. This one job is meant for me. I mean, I could do anything and be happy... but this job... I'm meant for this job.
So anyways, two days before school started my friend Michelle and I went for a little kayaking adventure. It just happened that we chose the one day in the history of Texas summer's that it got windy, cold, and rainy to go- which wasn't that bad part. The bad/crazy part was that the wind was blowing so hard we were freaking fighting rapids on town lake. It was absolutely hillarious. But by God, wind in our faces and courage in our hearts, we paddled down to Red Bud Isle and then turned back and spit in fear's face! Just kidding- we actually just floated lazily back to where we rented the kayaks, using the paddles to hook our two kayaks together while we dipped our cute little toes into the water and talked about school and the future. Michelle is a great girl and I'm glad I asked her to go. Anyways- since today's classes were so incredibly boring, I will not ruin such a good post with them. Maybe tomorrow with be better- I have Human Sex and Family Violence on the same day :)

Sunday, August 27, 2006

oh yeah...

and this one is for Gabster- if she ever looks at this.
Thanks for a great day and a sunburn :)
Gregory is like a resort. The pool is just so beautiful and people go out there just to lay out and sun tan. It's crazy.
PS- i love the bathing suit, so dont fret about it.

fun days...

I had to post about tonight. First, I finished correcting my drapes. They now have a lacey stripe towards the bottom- they line up, are hemmed, and while I did in fact make a few mistakes... I got my sewing machine to work great. Second, went to Conan's Pizza for dinner with Jon, Laura, and Dave- then to the TKE party where I quickly remembered why I don't like frat parties, especially ones where my friend is the president of the frat but he doesnt have time to hang out. So we left and started walking down the drag! We went to this great bar- I think its called Lonestars? Next to the Taos Co-op. Anyways, we played darts (which I apparently am horrible at) and drank a pitcher of Fireman's 4. This appears to be laura's new favorite beer because she always wants it :) Anyways, everyone proceeded to kick my ass at darts- I was the only one to NOT get a bullseye- but we had some damn good fun everytime I hit the blue board or my darts bounced off the board. Laura's didnt just bounce off- they stuck straight up out of the ground. good times. Then we went to that Morroccan place- Kazbah?- and it was freaking awesome. We tried 1/2 of all of their deserts, which were all good, and enjoyed sitting so low to the ground that it was really hard to get up. Also, I love morroccan decor and they are planning on opening a morroccan furniture place above the coffee shop/hookah bar. So we looked at the hookah's and I decided to try it- but since Dave had one at the apartment- we walked back there! The hookah was... not what i was expecting but fun and worth the experience. Other than feeling like if I ran, I would hyperventilate, I didnt get anything out of it- but still.
So anyways- I have detailed this night because I dont want to forget it- so if you dont like it, I dont care because its for ME! ;)
AND Rugger was a good boy when I got home. It just doesnt get any better. Well, we could have gone swimming and I could have had an enjoyable date to go with us. But other than that- no better.
I can't believe school starts on Wed. I'm a senior. IN COLLEGE. I'll be in Med school (if i get my stuff together!) in a year. ONE YEAR.
Enough. Enjoy your days everyone!

Friday, August 25, 2006

the few and far between

So most of this summer there have been a few special people who have graced me with their presence. No joke- on the days when we couldn't hang out, I really just didn't know what to do. They filled my summer with fun times at the dog parks and took care of Rugger when I really needed them to. It's great to have people who love you and your dog and are more than willing to spend time with you... or in some cases, your dog. They are truly the best and I'm sorry to say, pictures of them on my blog are also few and far between. So here's my dedication page to the great Jon and Laura who's lives have intermingled with mine to a point of indescrimination.

Thank you, my time-share dog owners... I owe you guys.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


I am such a lucky person. I haven't found the one person I love and I'm not quite what I want to be yet... but I am surrounded by people that truly care about me. I'm out of that stage where I'm surrounded by losers and people who just drain my soul. I've finally found people that I can really share myself with and express my true humor and feelings with, even though I usually dont on the feeling side of that comment. Gabby is one of the best people I know and to top it off, she's so damn beautiful. Darrell, even though sometimes I just want to strangle him :), is a great guy and a great friend and is still a great roommate. Every time I go back to Dallas, Katie welcomes me with conversations that seem like I never left. Shane does things for me that no one else would- like spending a ridiculous amount of money on fixing my car up for me because he's proud of me. The only thing missing from my life is my dad. I mean- I know he's like-looking down on me- or however you want to refer to the idea that he's still with me. But it's just not nor ever will it be the same as having that amazing person there to support me. I know he'd be proud, but I can't help but hate it when I forget how he smelled or his mannerisms. It's tough. Going on 4 years this coming January.

Anyways, today Gabby came over and I made baked potato gnocci with ricotta and spinach. For desert they had brownies... it all turned out good- but we have lots of wine left over so if anyone reads this and wants to come over... tomorrow is baked ziti night. We're trying to finish off the wine :)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


So I took my real MCAT on saturday- I get the results in 60 days... I'm not sure how I did, but I'm not feeling very confident as of now so I guess we'll see.

I did however have some positive things occur- I was able to see my god-daughter, hang out with some old friends, and spend time with my mom up at her school. Second graders are... loud.
So here are some pics of my time well spent.

She's supposed to get her traech out soon- she has to be able to sleep through the entire night without extra oxygen before they'll remove it. She's down to almost room air and hopefully in a few months she will be going in to get it removed- ideally. You just have to love that little girl- even when she's cranky and tired she's still cute as a button! I think Katie gets mad because I come over to see the baby and I dont spend time with her :) But she's just so damn cute! How could I not?? I mean really, a kid that already knows gross anatomy?? nose, ears, eyes, her grill... thats right everyone- she knows that her teeth are her grill. interesting to say the least.

Anyways- have a great day all.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

MCAT scores...

So I took my fourth practice MCAT and guess what... I made a 26. I'm actually very happy with that considering I havent been studying because I'm a huge procrastinator. Sooo- now I'm super motivated and I'm planning on really getting down to it and studying as much as I can over the next two weeks- I take my real one on the 19... Med school... here I come.

I just cant believe it. I'm really excited.