Monday, September 29, 2008

Well alllll be.

So I started my MCAT class last Tuesday and I'm actually doing pretty well keeeping up with it :) amazing eh? I feel like I must have changed so much in the past few years- I'm so much more organized, motivated, and on the ball... I guess all that really means is that I made the correct decision in waiting to apply to med school.

Brooke had her 4th birthday, my grandma turned 85- all last week.

The debates were fun- great debate- I think they both did well (although it didn't change my opinion of who I'm going to vote for). I like this round much much better than Kerry v. Bush 4 years ago. Partly because I understand more, but partly because I feel like we're getting back to the issues that matter. And we're in the middle of crazy times- watching thing crumble before us. insane.

I'm realizing how fiercely patriotic I am- based on how upset I get and how passionate I am about politics. It's an interesting feeling because I'm not sure I ever realized that in myself before.

Work is slow. I'm kinda bored during the day- but I know things will pick up soon. I just really like being super busy.

Kelly is delivering her baby tomorrow. Then she'll be out for a few weeks- hopefully she'll actualy stay gone longer but... knowing her...

Ugh... i'm not feeling very cohesive at the moment. just wanted to update everyone.

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