Friday, October 13, 2006


So I just got my MCAT results in... I made a 25. Not that bad- not that great. I can do better :) I made a FIVE on the bio section! I could have GUESSED and done better... but considering the fact that there were 2 passages on microbiology... a class I hadn't taken... I hope to do a lot better next time. I made an 11 on the physical sciences section- yay- and a 9 on the verbal section... the section that i fell asleep in. I FELL ASLEEP during the MCAT and STILL did better on that section than the bio section. geez.
Mom was right- I didn't study enough. well shit.
good thing I put applying to schools off for a bit :) because that had absolutely nothing to do with my ability to procrastinate... nope, that was just me knowing myself that well. oh yes.

1 comment:

Liz said...

congrats, and post pictures of your new haircut!!